GB's Qbit LTE - The Ultimate Lightweight Reclining Travel Stroller?

GB's Qbit LTE - The Ultimate Lightweight Reclining Travel Stroller?

I spent more time evaluating lightweight and umbrella stollers than any other baby gear.  It was worth the investment because I ended up with a stroller that meets all of my criteria and needs.  Its best and most unique feature is its fold.  Please read on for my criteria, other contenders, and details about my experience with GB's QBit.  

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Must Have Travel Crib and Other Tips for Traveling with a Baby + Guava Lotus Discount

Must Have Travel Crib and Other Tips for Traveling with a Baby + Guava Lotus Discount

Last week, my husband and I traveled with our six month old baby to Sullivan's Island, South Carolina.  This was our first flight with the baby.  I was nervous about it, but everything worked out beautifully.  Here are my tips for how to make your trip as enjoyable.

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